Affordable Low Price Replica Fendi

The Replica Fendi Handbags is the latest trend. This bag is basically a modern shoulder bag but with a timeless look. The first Kan I Bag was a shoulder bag and it was released in 2016. And now in 2017, Fendi continues to expand the line by creating new accessories like this Fendi Kan I F WOC. This bag is basically a mini shoulder bag, which is ideal for the evenings.

The reversed F logo is an important component of the Kan I Bag. It’s not only trendy and new, but it’s actually a statement. Every eye will first focus on the gold (or silver) hardware logo.

The Kan I WOC is crafted with a smaller reversed F logo when comparing to the bigger flap bag version. And this bag is available in solid colors, which is actually the best choice if you’re looking for a timeless design. The leather is smooth and is made from calf leather. What’s more? Calf leather is soft but also very durable.

You can carry the bag on your shoulder as it comes with a chain and leather strap. The chain and leather strap can both be detached, so this Kan I WOC can be transformed in either a large wallet or an evening clutch anytime you want

This mini shoulder bag is not all about the look, it’s also designed to be practical. The interior is made with a zipped center compartment and two extra compartments. There are a multiple card slots for your debit card, credit card or ID, and there is also a bill slot.

Replica Fendi Handbags